The Horse Calendar - Horse Art at Its Best
My favorite all-time calendar style is not actually a horse calendar. Around 1900, my great-grandfather and his brother established a farm implement store, which prospered for many years. Every year they gave their customers a large wall calendar one of which I remember hanging in my grandparents home.
This calendar was published up until about the 1950's and since then I have prowled antique shops in the Seattle area in hopes of finding one of the old calendars. The calendar measured about 2 by 3 feet, one month per page.
Nothing fancy, just the logo of the Polson Implement Company at the top. The box around each date was about 3 inches square so you could easily read the calendar across the room.
Back then the major holidays (indicated in red with an appropriate drawing) included Armistice Day, Arbor Day, Washington's Birthday and Lincoln's Birthday, plus of course today's major holidays. Feelings of nostalgia dictate that the Polson Implement calendar would today remain my calendar of choice and I would not have to make the always difficult choice of one horse calendar over another.
It gets more difficult each year as a greater variety of fine calendars reach the marketplace. To complicate matters, another favorite subject of mine is the Beagle ( a beagle calendar is guaranteed to make you smile).
Of course you could have a different horse calendar in each room,
but for a gift for your horse (or beagle) lover, one is probably enough. Calendars for the coming year appear in bookstore windows and shopping mall displays just before Labor Day. Horse photography at its very finest is found in these calendars: wild horses, draft horses, performance horses, breeds, rodeo, and much more.
For the "minimalist" we offer this item from our gift shop. Not spectacular equine photography but a very attractive rendition of our ranch logo. Clicking on the calendar or here will take you to the household goods area in our shop where the calendar is featured.
In terms of price and variety, the best source we have come across, is Calendars.com with their wall calendars, boxed calendars, desk calendars and planners. Clicking on one of the Arabian horse calendars above will get you there.
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