Been Dreaming of Starting Your Own Home Business ?

Starting your own business from home offers you a great opportunity to choose exactly what it is you'd like to be doing.

Horse enjoying  summer flowers Two Beagles Glacier National Park Montana
Your own business might be about -
or Beagles
or if you like to travel
a Travel Site could be a great choice.

Of course, you'll likely choose something different than horses, beagles, or travel, something you really have a passion for. Passion, that's the secret right there.

A "Secret" to Building a Successful Business

Build a business around one of your true passions ( horses, beagles, sailing, quilting, whatever).

Another "Secret"

If you don't know what you're doing, don't do too much of it.
You want to keep control of your own affairs, so you have some learning to do. Don't follow some "make-big bucks-while-doing-little-or-nothing" scheme (or scam) down the primrose path.

Something Else Worth Thinking About

Do all the right things and don't do any of the wrong things.
In tennis, if you return every ball hit to you back over the net and inside the lines you'd never lose a match or set, not even a point. That's doing the right thing always - but it takes lots of work to come even close to getting there.

Be patient
work hard
be honest.

It's as simple as that - sort of.

Let me share my experience with you and make a recommendation I know you'll find to be of great value.

  • No need to pay big bucks to get started. Much of the up-front information you need shouldn't cost you a cent. I did quite a bit of investigating before I paid for anything. When I did I made an excellent choice and got my moneys worth.

  • My passion for what my business is about (horses) is a driving force. Having that passion dramatically increased my probability of success, plus I had a great time getting there.

  • In less than a year's time we've watched this web site grow from an handful of visitors each day to the point where we're nudging the top 1% of all web sites in terms of Traffic.

    Sounds like hype but it's true and there's nothing to keep you from achieving the same results.

  • Credibility is key. Lack of this is probably the major cause of small business failure. I've tried to establish credibility by being truthful about the products and information I offer, and by doing the necessary research to demonstrate expertise about the products we sell.

    Not yet an expert? Initially, being knowledgable will get you going, but becoming an expert in your niche should be a goal.

  • Some sweat equity is required. Lots of hours went into building this site. It wasn't really hard work, just a matter of paying attention to detail and trying to get things right the first time (didn't always happen).

    Your internet store will be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and some income will come in while you're snoozing.
    It's a treat to bring up the web site first thing in the morning and see that some money has come in during the nighttime hours.

  • You get to be President and CEO of your new firm. That's neat. You get to call the shots. Of course you must call the shots right. To avoid the prospect of failure I've taken all aspects of my business very seriously.

  • You won't begin making big bucks overnight. I didn't. Don't lower your goals, some things take time. Most new businesses that do become profitable take some time getting there.

    One more "secret" to success. It's called -


    that's the key.

    My recommendation?

    Start your journey by

    Clicking Here.

    Many thanks for your kind attention. What is working for me can just as easily work for you.

    Bill Savage