More Horse Art Than You Can Shake a Stick At
"I discover many a man who will give me fifty guineas for painting his horse but who thinks ten guineas too much for painting his wife." - 18th Century English painter Ben Marshall
Now,you can pay fifty guineas for a painting of your horse, give the painting to your horse lover (if he or she likes your horse) and everything should be just fine.
A Gift of Framed Horse Art such as the one of Whistlejacket above can be a great addition to the decor of the home or the office.
The gift may be a photograph by Stoecklein, a fine art print of classic work by one the great English artists, Stubbs, Herring, or Munnings, a western theme by Charlie Russell or the work of a contemporary artist.
And, there's absolutely nothing wrong with purchasing an inexpensive print and having it mounted in a frame that may cost as much or more as the print itself. Think of the frame part of the gift - not as an "extra".
A tastefully framed or mounted print can be an artistic jewel and a much appreciated gift of art.
Here's one idea for a very personal gift -
Take a photo of your horse lover's favorite horse, a horse and rider, or perhaps a fantastic photo you took of an equestrian statue while on vacation and have it transferred to canvas. The result can be either a photo-realistic canvas print or a canvas print with brush strokes, a truly personal gift.
To pursue this idea further go to the Art.com Photos into Art page. Then go through your favorite horse photos or get your camera out and get goin' on this as a fine gift idea!
Horse Art from Back In The Saddle
Our partners at Back In The Saddle offer several very fine examples of equestrian art. "Windstorm", shown here is but one example of what you'll find in the Back In The Saddle On Line Catalog which has many, many possibilities for gift ideas, art or otherwise, for the horse lover.
The Art Galleries
There are paintings, prints, and photographs where the focus is totally on the horse, George Stubbs' famous "Whistlejacket" (at the top of the page)
being a classic example. There's the realism found in the works by Jenness Cortez
or if draft horses or horses in harness appeal to you
the wonderful acrylics of Canadian Artist Adeline Halvorson
have much to offer.
Contemporary paintings give a much different picture than does the art of the 19th century and before. Though we was more of a technician than an artist, the English-born landscape photographer changed horse paintings and sculpture forever. To see what Eadweard Muybridge did click here.
Want action? We've mentioned Charlie Russell, if action typifies much of his work the same can be said for Frederic Remington. The paintings of several contemporary western artists, notably Tom Ryan, Jack Terry, and Tim Cox tend be be a bit "quieter", but striking nonetheless.
Breaking-In a Bad Hoss |
Art.com C. M. Russell "Breaking In a Bad Hoss" |
If you're ever in the vicinity of Great falls, Montana, take the time to visit the
C. M. Russell Museum
and see horse art at its finest. It's well worth the trip, even if a bit out of your way. Many look forward to the annual Auction featuring beautiful and near priceless works of Western Art.
There's action to be found in paintings with hunting, jumping, steeplechase, and pleasure riding as their theme. English style riding, pleasure riding, and jumping are specialties of contemporary artist Susan Crawford and 19th century artist Heywood Harvey and one of England's greatest equine artists, Henry Thomas Alkin as well.
More Action? Here's a sampling of several artist's depictions of Horse Racing, Polo, Harness Racing, Dressage and Rodeo.
And Still More
- Miniature Art Know a horse lover who also loves collecting stamps? Visit our page on Tiny Horse Art - The Wonderful World of Horses on Stamps. Even if you're not a stamp collector you might find this page interesting.
- Wall Art If you wish to expand your search beyond paintings vist our pages on horse statues, steel horse art - a favorite of ours, and home decor.
- Calendars For some beautiful examples of horse pictures and photography there is always the Horse Calendar. (Note that this is a seasonal item and this page is best visited between Labor Day and late January).
- Contemporary Artists: And last but not least, in our search for contemporary artists (from all over the world) we have located some very fine ones. The number is still small but growing but you can find out more about them and visit ther web sites by going to our Great Links to Horse Artists page.
Many contemporary artists (e.g., Diane Halvorson and Leena Pekkalainen) have websites of their own. By visiting these sites you're apt to find a wider sampling of their art that you would through a retailer.
What goes on in the mind of the horse artist as they create their work? I asked this question in a recent edition of our newsletter and received a very nice reply from our favorite European artist. To read what Leena has to say click here.
You can also visit Pets of The Realm for added insights on what goes on in the mind of the artist.
Let's revisit Whistlejacket. For the horse lover who appreciates art or the art lover who loves horses consider Stubbs and the Horse. Painter, engraver, and student of anatomy - George Stubbs (1724–1806) was fascinated by horses. This handsome book presents the wide range of his equine imagery, from refined portraits of racehorses to violent scenes of horses attacked by lions in the wild.
And just for fun, with a digital camera and a software program that does special effects you can create your own art. The picture below is from a photo of one of my horses running, mane flying. Special effects were incorporated to make it appear as a colored pencil sketch.
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