
Welcome to Old Friends and New Subscribers!
Since the Christmas decorations were up in the stores well before Halloween this year I guess early November probably isn't too early to send out this Holiday Edition of Nose To The Ground.
I usually wait until I get into the holiday spirit before I start thinking about a Holiday newsletter and by then of course it's always too late. So, this year it's different.
I don't know what effect our country's economic issues are going to have on holiday shopping but I'm guessing that merchants will be making an extra effort to get people in the stores or on the 'Net. Keep you eyes open for special discounts and free shipping. If you're doing your shopping on the web check out merchant's home pages (assuming you land on another page) for special deals they may have.
Here are some ideas to help you get started with your holiday shopping.
In making this selection I've used the following scientifically-based criteria.
A) I've selected items that I'd really, really like to get myself.
B) I've selected other items that I know I'd enjoy giving to another.
You can probably figure out which is which.
This is all designed to reduce your shopping stress by helping you find the right gift before late Christmas Eve. The links go to the appropriate pages in Your Guide should you wish to pursue an item further or look at related gift ideas.
Stocking Gifts - by definition rather small items.
- A western Belt Buckle, the Southwestern Design Stone Buckle) for example.
- A Good paperback - I suggest The Faraway Horses" by Buck Brannaman, excellent reading, or another selection from the Horse Books Page. - Most books are definitely too big for the stocking but don't let that stop you.
- Jewelry - consider one of the very beautiful Oval Agate Cameo Pendants.
- A small home decor Item, a Horse Mobile From Flensted of Denmark, (good for any age group, any room).
- Then there's always a gift certificate from a merchant of your choice.
For Under The Tree
- I really like the Reinsman saddle pad selection. They offer some very attractive designs and it's a high quality brand. I mention this as I was looking at several in our local ranch supply store just this past week.
- Framed Horse Art? Difficult to address as the selection is so vast but for the kid's room "The Lesson" is a classic.
- Plush toys and games such as Horse-opoly are also great under the tree ideas.
- A Christmas Gift Basket you've put together yourself makes a unique and personal gift. A number of you have contributed your ideas to this section so check it for ideas you could use. Of course for the holidays it doesn't have to be 100% "horse" items. Sneak in some candy or the beloved fruitcake to help fill the container.
- Finally, don't forget the Cool Ideas page, another area where folks have contributed their ideas. You might find something here that makes for a very special, if somewhat off-the-wall gift idea.
It's been a joy sending Nose To The Ground to you this year. May I wish you a most wonderful Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's. May it snow on Christmas Eve and be good driving weather the rest of the time.
See you the first of the year,
Bill Savage
